Patricia Bennett


Monday, April 30, 2012

House Portrait in Guilford, Baltimore

Greif House, 30x40", oil on canvas, Patricia Bennett
I painted this a few years ago.  I used to live nearby and always really loved the house.  It's in Guilford, in Baltimore City, and was designed by a couple of famous English Architects who missed their country.

I did a few watercolors first, and then spent a few months working on this.  It is very detailed.

My uncle's favorite English teacher owns the house, this was one of those odd coincidences.  Now he also owns this painting, and it's hanging on a wall inside.  When I was there, he showed me where it would go.  He had a portrait there at the time, a full-length portrait of his mother, which he wanted to lend to the Baltimore Museum of Art.

Since the painting, the azaleas have been pulled out as well as the tulip poplar!

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