Patricia Bennett


Thursday, September 25, 2014

Brightside Gardens, beginning Bull Mastiffs at Elysium, and continuing Hercules at the Aegean Stables

Yesterday I had the pleasure of returning to Brightside gardens in the morning to begin a painting of the two striking Bull Mastiffs guarding the Elysium, garden #15 (where Stanley the beloved pug, and other animals rest).  It was a little chilly, but I had two sweaters.  Lots of chipmunks ran around.

Painting Elysium at Brightside Gardens, Patricia Bennett

First Sitting on Elysium at Brightside gardens, 24x30, Patricia Bennett
 Next, after two hours of painting, I cleaned my brushes, and enjoyed speaking to Mr. Newhall about his gardens and the history of the pug.  The Bull Mastiff was bred into the pug!  Very unexpected!  Then I moved back to Augeas's Stables to continue work on the Hercules painting.  I adjusted the perspective so that more of the frieze on the side could be seen in the painting.
Second Sitting on Hercules in Augeas's Stables at Brightside Gardens, 24x24", Patricia Bennett

Set-up at Brightside Gardens, Patricia Bennett
Then it was time to return to the city!

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