Patricia Bennett


Thursday, September 19, 2013

Woodholme Country Club Live Event Painting complete!

Wedding and Ceremony at the Woodholme Country Club, Patricia Bennett
This painting is done, best wishes to the couple.  The couple is in the foreground, and the bridal party is on the left.

This painting is a live event painting, studio painting hybrid.

The studio portion took two or three weeks to complete, while the live portion took one day.  I was present at their Ceremony, but couldn't paint it live due to unexpected space issues.  However, I took many photographs, and used them as reference.  I added: the bridesmaids, the bride's brother, the ceremony, the bridal party, and the bride and groom, and the event planner who was definitely a big part of the event.  The bride's cute dog was added to the painting as well, even though he/she wasn't present.

Currently I am making greeting cards for the bride's mother.  These are an extra that I like to do.  I love high quality images of paintings on greeting cards.  And I will also make 8x10 prints and frame them.  Just need some more light cyan ink...

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