Patricia Bennett


Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Harriet, 18x22, acrylic on board, Patricia Bennett
A portrait of Harriet.

This is my first time using acrylics on one of my prepared boards.  These boards used to be for oil painting: 8 coats of acrylic mixed with pigment, each coat sanded.  I enjoyed painting on the smooth surface and allowing the cool bluish board color to shine through.  The acrylic got a little sticky and beaded up at first.

Process: I drew Harriet with pencil in the pose that I thought she would stay in.  Then I painted her face and the area around it.  Going for unity of color, I made her hair the same color as the lamby and the wall the same as her pants.  I used only primary colors (red, blue, yellow), with black, white, and naples yellow.

This was a two-sitting painting because Harriet is leaving tomorrow.

This is the first sitting:
First Sitting, 18x22, acrylic on board, Patricia Bennett

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